Explain NativeScript-Vue With Some Examples


4 min read

NativeScript-Vue is a framework that allows developers to use Vue.js with NativeScript to create cross-platform mobile apps. The combination of Vue.js’ robust and extensible JavaScript framework with NativeScript’s ability to access native APIs on mobile devices gives developers a potent toolkit for developing high-performance mobile apps.

Vue.js is a well-known JavaScript framework used to create user interfaces and single-page apps. It is well-known for its simplicity, adaptability, and responsiveness. NativeScript, on the other hand, is a framework that enables developers to create completely native mobile applications by combining JavaScript and a number of web technologies such as Angular and Vue.js. By merging these two frameworks, developers may construct mobile apps using Vue.js’ sophisticated component-based design and declarative rendering while still having access to native APIs on the device, such as the camera or GPS.

To begin using NativeScript-Vue, developers must first install the NativeScript CLI on their development computer. NativeScript programs are created, built, and executed using the CLI. After installing the CLI, developers may use the following command to build a new NativeScript-Vue application:

tns create my-app --template vue

This will create a new NativeScript application in a directory called my-app and configure it to use the Vue.js framework. The created application offers a basic template with a few components and pages that developers may use to get started on their own applications.

One of the most important advantages of NativeScript-Vue is the ability to construct mobile apps using Vue.js’ component-based design. Components are chunks of code that may be reused to create a user interface. A component in NativeScript-Vue is a Vue.js component wrapped in a NativeScript custom element. This enables developers to construct mobile applications using Vue.js’ sophisticated component-based design while still having access to native APIs on the device.

Here’s an example of a simple component that displays a button:

      <Button text="Click me" @tap="onButtonTap" />
export default {
  methods: {
    onButtonTap() {
      console.log('Button was tapped');

In this example, the component is a Vue.js component that is wrapped in a NativeScript Page custom element. The component includes an Button element that is wrapped in an StackLayout element. The Button element has a text property that sets the text displayed on the button and an @tap event that is fired when the button is tapped. The component also includes an methods object that defines a onButtonTap method that is called when the button is tapped.

Another advantage of NativeScript-Vue is the ability to construct mobile applications using Vue.js’ declarative rendering. Declarative rendering is a method of creating user interfaces in which the desired state of the interface is described rather than the procedures to achieve it. This is accomplished with NativeScript-Vue by building the user interface with Vue.js directives and templates.

Here’s an example of a simple template that displays a list of items:

<ListView for="item in items" :key="item.id">
            <Label :text="item.name" />
            <Label :text="item.description" />
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      items: [
        { id: 1, name: 'Item 1', description: 'This is item 1' },
        { id: 2, name: 'Item 2', description: 'This is item 2' },
        { id: 3, name: 'Item 3', description: 'This is item 3' }

In this example, the template includes a ListView the element that is wrapped in a StackLayout element. The ListView element uses the for directive to loop through an array of items and display each item in the list. The v-template the directive is used to define the template for each item in the list, which includes a StackLayout the element that contains two Label elements. The Label elements use the :text binding to display the name and description properties of each item.

In addition to these essential functionalities, NativeScript-Vue supports navigation, animations, and other elements typical in mobile apps. Developers may utilize the element to traverse between application pages and the transition component of Vue.js to create animations for their applications.

Finally, NativeScript-Vue is a robust framework that enables developers to create cross-platform mobile applications with Vue.js and NativeScript. It gives developers access to native APIs on mobile devices while also allowing them to construct high-performance mobile apps with Vue.js’ strong and flexible JavaScript framework. NativeScript-Vue is a great tool for developers who wish to build mobile apps using Vue.js because of its component-based design, declarative rendering, and support for standard mobile features.